Raised bed gardening is a popular method that uses soil beds that are raised above the ground and framed by either rocks, wood or concrete.
Using this method in your garden is beneficial for both the plants and the gardeners. This gardening design has been around for some time and the benefits of this are well studied and documented.
The build and maintenance of this design are really easy and provides a plethora of advantages to plants. Raised garden bed designs can vary but the basic design is a raised plot of oil that is framed by a variety of materials.
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What is Raised Bed Gardening?
From the name itself, it simply planting plants or vegetables to a raised plot of land. The soil is formed in beds and the raised bed garden can be designed in any shape or length.
The width of plots for the raised bed garden is usually at around three to four feet.
Types of Raised Bed Garden Designs
There are many types of raised garden bed designs depending on the materials you use, the types of plants you will plant, the purpose of the garden bed and your personal preferences. Each raised garden bed design has its advantages.
Raised Ground Beds
The simplest type of raised ground bed is a flat-topped mound that is as high as 6 to 8 inches. Raised ground beds don’t necessarily need a frame to enclose the garden bed and are relatively simple to construct.
The first step in designing a raised garden is deciding on the size and shape of the garden bed.
The usual maximum width of garden beds is usually around two and a half feet but if you can access both sides of the garden bed then it can be as wide as five feet.
Supported Raised Bed
The second common type of raised garden bed design is the supported raised bed. The garden bed frames to help support the raised soil making it more stable and less prone to erosion, especially during heavy rain.
The frame can be any materials from wood, stone, brick or plastic depending on your budget, purpose, and personal preferences.
Framed raised bed gardens can be placed in the front yard and improve the overall appearance of the house and protect the plants from being accidentally stepped on from unsuspecting guests.
Containerized Raised Beds
The containerized raised beds are similar to supported raised beds except the garden beds are raised much higher and the frames rise over the soil by a considerable length forming a wall usually around 10 to 15 inches tall.
Containerized raised beds can be designed to be accessible for wheelchair users or those suffering from back pains.
The high wall of the containerized raised beds also makes it ideal for garden beds that are situated in pathways and high traffic areas because they act as a barrier that helps keep unknowing guests away from the plants.
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Other Raised Garden Bed Designs
The design of raised gardens is not only limited to uniform rectangular plots raised soil that is framed by wood, cement or plastic it can also be designed creatively to match the landscape and design of your house.
You can even use recycled materials to frame your garden bed to minimize cost and help save the environment by reducing your carbon footprint at the same time.
Examples of creative and green design are;
Recycled Bricks
You can recycle used bricks and use them as frames for your garden beds. Bricks are great because they look great and also help control the temperature of the soil by absorbing excess heat.
Used Planks or Wood Panels
Another environment-friendly material that you can use for your garden frame is used wood panels or planks however you have to be careful where you choose your wood so that they won’t harm your plants. Avoid wood that shows signs of decay, wood rot or termites.
Advantages of Raised Bed Gardening
Easy to Build and Perfect for Beginners
It is easy to design and build that is why this method is suitable for anyone and perfect for beginners. Most gardeners opt for the “do it yourself” approach but pre-built raised bed garden frames are also available in every major warehouse and depot.
They Make Your House Or Yard Look, Greener
Raise Garden Beds simply look and nicer and neat and requires less cleaning to maintain. They are perfect for homeowners who are in an urban landscape or neighborhoods with strict rules in landscaping.
Better Water Drainage
This method can also help gardeners manage the drainage from their gardens and control where the water goes especially when its raining. It is also good for the plants since raised garden beds can help control the moisture content of the soil.
Keep Out Pests And Harmful Insects
It will also act as a barrier and prevent harmful insects from damaging your plants or vegetables in the garden.
This Method Can Save Your Back
Raised Garden Beds are a blessing to your back. If you design your garden bed high enough, you can avoid bending your back every time you tend to the garden thus, you can avoid any back pain.
Also check: Square Foot Gardening: Preparing Your New Vegetable Garden
Final Thoughts
In this article, we have discussed the different types of raised garden beds. We trust that you found this article informative and interesting. To get more gardening tips, you can also visit this website. In case you have any raised bed garden related question, just leave us your comment below.
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